$60.00 / month.
Technical support is required if this is the first license for your store.
You can buy it here:
With over 20 years in the point-of-sale industry, pcAmerica software is used by over 50,000 users worldwide. Our retail point-of-sale software is perfect for car washes, liquor stores, grocery stores, florists, dollar stores, delis, cosmetic stores, clothing and apparel stores, convenience stores, chain stores, electronics stores and rental stores.
Sales Features:
Login Screen
Cashiers may login into the POS with a secure login card or with their user name and password. If the cashier isn't yet clocked in for the day, Cash Register Express will clock them in. The manager button on the top of the screen can be used to access back office functions such as reporting and menu management. The picture and colors of this screen can be modified to match the style of your store.
Items can be rung up by simply scanning the barcode on the product being purchased. If a product does not have a bar code, such as candy by the register, it can be added to the transaction by simply touching a button for that item on the touch screen. Sale pricing and any applicable taxes will automatically be calculated and displayed in a real-time running total. Taking payment from the customer is just as fast. Cash amounts can be quickly typed in, with hot keys for common dollar amounts. If the customer is paying by credit or debit card, the cashier simply swipes the card to process the transaction.
Self Service
Cash Register Express and Restaurant Pro Express provides the convenience of their Self Service feature, this feature allows you to utilize your POS as a kiosk or a separate POS terminal for your customers to ring in their own items in a quick and convenient manner. After the order is placed either generate a ticket with a bar code to be scanned and paid for at the register?or swipe your credit card to pay immediately.
Dynamic Pricing
Sale pricing, bulk pricing and mix 'n match are all features that can be pre-configured and calculated automatically in CRE. Sale pricing allows you to set up a time-based sale for each item. With bulk pricing, retailers can sell multiple items at a discount - simply select the quantity and special pricing to offer 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 sales on the same item. Our mix 'n match features allows retailers to offer a special price for quantities of multiple items. Time-based pricing functionality allows retailers to set sale pricing for certain hours of the day.
Customer Receipts
pcAmerica POS software, Cash Register Express / Restaurant Pro Express has the capability of emailing customer receipts and vendors purchase orders. The dual benefit of convenience for the customer and paper savings for the business makes this one of our favorite features. This ?green? feature is just another way that pcAmerica helps in saving paper and helping the environment.
Suspend/Recall on Hold Transactions
Our POS software lets you suspend a transaction to allow another transaction to be processed, then recall the previous sale and tender it. This feature comes in handy when you have more than one person waiting to checkout and the customer realizes that they left their wallet in the car or forgot to pick up an item. Instead of having to cancel the sale or make another customer wait, you can place the transaction on hold and recall it when ready.
Gift Receipts/Gift Registry
CRE enables retailers to offer gift receipts, create gift registries and sell gift baskets. CRE offers customers the ability to use gifts receipts. These receipts may be presented as proof of a transaction for the purpose of exchanging or returning merchandise, omitting certain information such as price.
Cash Register Express also offers the ability to create gift registries for birthdays, weddings, baby showers, holidays or other special occasions. Customers can select items from store stock to populate the registry. Upon the purchase of a listed item, CRE automatically updates the registry accordingly. In addition to providing valuable information to the buyer, the system helps prevent the receipt of duplicate or unwanted gifts thus eliminating the potential for returns to the retailer.
Many gift shops sell gift baskets otherwise known as "kits" in which you select a group of items to be sold together at a discounted price. With kitting capability, you can sell any number of items to a customer for one special price while tracking the individual inventory levels of each item that makes up the gift. Cash Register Express will deduct each component from inventory when this kit is sold.
Clothing Matrix
Whether your business is a clothing, shoe or related retail store, Cash Register Express makes it easy to track inventory with many variations of sizes and colors. When you enter a new product into inventory, simply assign it to a group along with a size and color. View and manage all items within a group on a matrix style screen to see what is in stock for each variation. Easily and quickly create purchase orders for inventory that is low in stock.
Kits and Item Grouping
Robust functionality enables users to offer mixed case discounts, discount items sold by the case, break down inventory by the case, 6 pack or 12 pack, group multiple products into gift packages and allows retailers to offer special promotions. CRE automatically adjust inventory at the item level when multiple products are sold as part of a kit.
EBT & Food Stamps
To meet the needs of grocery stores, covenience stores and other retailers that sell food items, Cash Register Express can process transactions involving EBT (electronic food stamps) and food stamps. Simply swipe the EBT card through the mag stripe reader on your POS system to redeem electronic food stamps and restrict the purchase of items that are not authorized to be purchased with food stamps.
Split Commissions
Cash Register Express offers a Split Commission feature which allows a manager to determine which salesperson gets credit for each item on an invoice. This allows multiple salespeople to receive commission on the same invoice. Easily track commissions by a percentage of the gross sale, percentage of the gross profit or a set actual dollar amount.
Price Batches
Looking for an easy and effective way to change prices on multiple items at once? Our new Price Batch feature allows mass updating of prices based on a set schedule. It also allows you to select a list of items, departments or items with specific properties to do global price change (sale price, bulk price, price change, etc.). Schedule the price change reflect the "new" prices on a certain day and time.
Works with Weight Scales
Cash Register Express POS software integrates seamlessly with three types of POS scales: POS Interface Scales, Scanner/Scales and Deli Scales. POS software must conform to the regulatons set forth at the Department of Weights and Measures. Cash Register Express software is NTEP Certified by the National Conference on Weights and Measures.
Inventory Management Features:
Savvy retailers realize the need for up-to-date and accurate inventory information. Stock can be counted or received away from the register using the integrated Pocket Inventory software on a mobile computer. Simply scan the item, enter the quantity, and the data synchronizes with your POS system.
Point of Sale software Cash Register Express and Restaurant Pro Express? Barcode Express feature is ideal for printing custom barcodes, for items created in-house or those without a barcode. This gives a greater sense of control over inventory by allowing you to use your own numbering/labeling system.
Create Purchase Orders
Creating purchase orders in Cash Register Express is quick and easy! Our detailed purchase ordering functionality enables users to assign a vendor, set reorder levels and quantities for each item. In addition, items can be ordered individually or by the case.
Low Stock Alerts/Automatic Reorders
Cash Register Express point-of-sale software ensures you never experience stock outages. Each item that gets sold automatically adjusts the store's inventory levels. CRE can be set up to alert you when inventory reaches a predefined level to trigger a reminder to reorder. Or simply set up CRE to automatically reorder items when inventory reaches a certain level.
Marketing Features:
Gift/Loyalty Cards
Gift cards can be sold and redeemed through the POS system with no transaction fees. Your retail store can purchase gift cards that are customized with your logo. Gift card data is available at one store or between multiple store locations, in real-time with no transaction fees. If a multi-site franchisor wishes to issue gift cards where multiple franchisees may claim the redemption, we recommend using a processor-based gift card system.
The use of coupons as a marketing tool is a proven method for creating repeat business from your customer base. Offer a variety of promotions including percentage discounts, buy 1 get 1 free and other time sensitive sales promotions to generate repeat business from existing customers.
Customer Lookup
Cash Register Express provides easy access to detailed customer information. Retain customer profile information so that you can look up customers by name. View historical data on what they have purchased and when. Use this data for outbound direct marketing to generate repeat business.
Direct Marketing
Cash Register Express empowers retailers to effectively target existing customers and potential prospects through built-in gift and loyalty programs. Retain and utilize customer information to do direct mail or email marketing campaigns based on their historical purchases.
Digital Signage
Promote feature sales, impulse merchandise, cross sell products or generate additional revenue by selling advertisements to vendors or suppliers. Deliver messages enterprise-wide or target specific audiences in key locations. Display advertisements on LCD pole displays, full-size LCD displays and pin pads.
The Social Network Appreciation Platform enables brands to integrate gift and loyalty programs with social networks and reward customers for their in-store purchase activity as well as their activity on popular social networking sites. The SNAP community is made up of individual brands sharing a robust and flexible hosted rewards application. Within SNAP, brands can engage customers by building creative loyalty campaigns with things like badges, leaderboards and automated check-ins on services like foursquare. The main feature of SNAP is the ability to allow customers to enable automated messages to services such as Twitter and Facebook when they complete a loyalty transaction. In return for sharing their experience with friends and followers, they can be rewarded extra loyalty points. CRE has a direct integration with this service so getting started is easy. Just call your pcAmerica representative for more information on how you can connect you business with all of your customers and their friends and followers.
Security Features:
ID Passwords
Employees can easily log in to Cash Register Express by entering in an ID and password via the touch screen interface. This is a quick and easy method for validating who is accessing and using your point-of-sale systems.
Swipe Cards
Cash Register Express offers the ability to use swipe cards as employee ID cards. Simply swipe the employee card through the mag stripe reader on the POS system to log in or out. Using a swipe card for employee login eliminates the need for employees to remember IDs or passwords. The swipe cards are also reusable if an employee is fired or resigns and can also be deactivated for an added level of security.
Exception Tracking
Easily track suspicious activity by using exception tracking. Introduce a new level of accountability by tagging your security record every time a key function is registered on the POS system. Functions such as refunds, voids, age verification and other activity can be displayed on security monitors and recorded for review when used with a DVR security system.
Age Verification
Protect you business from age verification fines and penalties. Validate age for alcohol and tobacco purchases using the same bar code scanner used to scan merchandise. Simply scan the customers' driver's license to validate age and prevent the sale of prohibited items to minors. This not only reduces liability for your business but also insurance costs.
DVR Integration
Cash Register Express integrates seamlessly with security cameras and DVR systems. Give your employees peace of mind and your business added security by integrating a security camera and DVR system to record activity in your retail store. Set up your security system to record activity at the door, checkout counter and back office. Use exception tracking to record suspicious activity like refunds, voids, discounts or sales in which age needs to be verified.
Labor Management Features:
Time Clock
The integrated time clock functionality allows employees to punch in and out of any POS workstation. Use ID cards to eliminate "buddy punching." Supervisors can easily correct or input forgotten time clock entries. Our time clock software also offers comprehensive reporting that makes processing payroll easier.
Labor Scheduling
Cash Register Express features a labor scheduler making it simple to schedule employees for work. The interface makes it easy to schedule and also offers a quick snapshot of how many employees are working as well as what job roles they are working that day. Schedules can be printed for employees or copied from previous weeks so they don't have to be recreated from scratch. A new Labor Cost Percentage Report has been added to help business owners make more informed decisions regarding how much labor to schedule.
Job Codes
Use Job Codes to set up responsibilities for your employees. Employees can only select job codes assigned to them. Ensure the right employees are performing the right tasks, at the right time, at the right location. Our job code functionality makes assigning work related tasks easy.
Business Reporting Features:
Shift Close Out
At the end of shift, many retailers require cashiers and sales associates to count their drawer. The Cash Count screen is an easy way for cashiers to count their money, allowing them to move fast so they can end their shift and go home.
Cash Register Express uses blind balancing which is known to enforce honesty when handling cash. The POS system can automatically prompt for a recount if the counted amount is different from the expected amount.
Daily Financials
Nearly any action performed at the retail POS terminal can be recorded and reported on within the Reporting screen. Cash Register Express includes 75 reports, most of which can be run between a date range with several pieces of selectable criteria. Reports can be viewed on the screen, printed and on most occasions exported to Microsoft Excel.
Web Portal Reporting - OnCloud
OnCloud is an internet based system of reporting and back-office management tools that synchronizes data with Cash Register Express providing online access to detailed business reporting. This web-based suite of reporting, inventory, employee, labor and management tools is accessible from a web browser on any computer with Internet access. It works in conjunction with your existing pcAmerica POS system making it the perfect solution for retail owners that need to easily monitor and manage from a remote location.