Summit SMT-100 Single Lane Timer System with Timer screen, & Ceiling Speaker for Audio Alerts.
Summit Drive Thru Timer w/SSB Loop Detection (Up to 4 loops)
2x 22” Monitors (1x Timer, 1x Ranking)
Monitor mounting bracket
Ceiling speaker
Summit SQSRM software
Summit Dynamic Ranking software
3 year warranty
One Annual Subscription is required for each timer on an ongoing basis which provides for software updates, cloud reporting (Panorama), & technical support.
$189.00 per year
Summit Timer & Cloud Annual Subscription for SMT-100 (No Ranking)
Summit Panorama store level license.
Summit Panorama cloud reporting.
Technical Support- Remote loop management & phone support.
Software Updates
Assumes that loops are installed and in a satisfactory working condition. Loops must be tested. Should any loop(s) be shown to be defective or not operational to Summits required standards, it is contingent upon the customer to arrange loop replacement/rectification.